Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Almost there!

Wow, leaving tomorrow morning (10am).  The last $700 or so is on my credit card, so if anyone is still looking to support me let me know and thank you to all those who have supported me both financially and through prayer.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 weeks

Wow, we're down to less then 2 weeks before we go.  Things are starting to pick up, I'm still trying to find the last $700 or so of funding, we are doing a team building camping trip this weekend.  I'm starting to think about packing and travel arrangements and what we're doing while there.  Its a bit stressful, but at the same time exciting.  For those of you that missed it, here's a link to my support letter, and prayer cards, and I'd love to hear from you.

Support Letter
Prayer card

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Encouragement from work

I finally got around to sending out an email to my Sparkfun letting them know about my trip.  It was similar to the regular support letter but specific to Sparkfun.  Lets just say I was pleasantly surprised by the encouraging responses I got from people all over the company.  Here's a few quotes from emails and letters I've gotten.

There's definitely a fair share of hatred and ridicule aimed at Christianity going on...

It is really hard to share the fact you are Christian, it is especially hard when you know the people around you my not share your faith

I found this this morning in my daily devotional...  Gracious God, I want to be the person you have called me to be for today. Please help my love for you overcome doubt, discouragement, and fear. I love you more than these. Amen.

The light of God is also able to shine the brightest in the darkest of places, somehow. 

I'm glad to hear about missions efforts in Europe.

Congrats. I wish you the best raising the funds you need.

I was pretty sure I was a lone faith man in a post faith world

Your mission is very inspiring...

Thanks for sharing!

P.S. Thank you to those who've encouraged me and I purposely did not attach nor will I attach names to these quotes.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Still raising money...

Well, still needing lots of funding, right now I've got almost $700 but that still leaves $1600+ to go, praying and trusting God.  For all those who haven't gotten letters (sorry I probably just don't have your address) or prayer cards here are links to both.

Support Letter
Prayer card

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Guess Who's Going Back to Berlin

Yep that's right, back to Berlin this summer.  More information coming....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm back

Just thought you might like to know I'm back.  I'm exausted but back in Colorado.  I'm working on uploading pictures (http://picasaweb.google.com/mcshorter) and will let you know more later.  Thanks again for all your prayers

Monday, May 31, 2010


Just wanted to let you know, I'm now in Germany!